You need a Habit strategy if you are chasing any Aspiration, Skill, or Knowledge

Do you have an aspiration you want to achieve or a skill to master or knowledge to learn?


You signed up for those courses, bought new tools, started high on motivation and energy.

And then petered out?

And what about the aspirations, skills, or knowledge (ASK) that had your attention a few months back. Have they added to your list of interests without going any further?

Do you see the pattern?

A roommate I had at college always topped. Everyone thought he studied long hours. His secret was pretty simple. He took notes in every class. And he reviewed his notes every day. Every single class. Every single day.

Habits were driving his results.

Achieving any ASK needs daily practice.

Any daily practice which is not a habit is fragile and unsustainable.

Our brain likes stability, homeostasis. And will try to sabotage anything new that demands cognitive effort.

And that’s how we drop off most of our ASK.

What is my Habit Strategy?

The next time you set after an ASK, start here:

1. What are the underlying habits needed?

2. Which ones will you target first?

3. Where in the day will the habit be done?

4. Does it have space/time to scale up in that location?

5. What method will you use to acquire the habits (my favorite is the tiny habits method).

Without this clarity, all you will have is an ever-expanding list of interests that you have dabbled in.

Again...what is your ASK, sorry, your habit strategy?